Upcoming events: April & May

Where to meet us in April and May

Zest is proud to be attending Completely Retail Marketplace in April and to be sponsoring UKREiiF in May. We look forward to engaging with representatives in the public and private sectors and discussing how Zest can support net zero strategies through reliable and scalable EV charging solutions.

Completely Retail Marketplace: Tuesday 30th April

About the event: Completely Retail Marketplace is a series of events that connect retail and leisure brands with a diverse range of property agents, landlords, shopping centre owners, franchise operators and organisations to discuss the market and opportunities for space.

Location: Old Billingsgate Market, London

Our stand: 42

For more informationhttps://www.crmarketplace.com/

UKREIIF: Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd May

About the event: UKREIIF will bring together key stakeholders from the public sector, alongside government, investors, funders, developers, housebuilders and more to highlight investment and development opportunities, whilst connecting and facilitating new relationships to drive economic growth through development and regeneration.

Location: Royal Armouries, Leeds

Our stand : E42, New Dock Hall

For more informationhttps://www.ukreiif.com/event/ukreiif-annual-event-2024/


UKREIIF fringe event: Wednesday 22nd May

About the event: Zest and Bevan Brittan are co-hosting a breakfast event with a panel discussion focused on helping authorities deliver decarbonisation through successful electric vehicle charging infrastructure roll out. Transport North East, a local authority, Bevan Brittan and Zest will consider different approaches to EV infrastructure roll out including delivery and procurement options.

Location: Horizon Leeds, 3rd Floor, 2 Brewery Wharf, LS10 1JR

Time: 07:15-08:45

For more information and registration (free of charge) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ukreiif-fringe-event-electric-vehicle-charging-infrastructure-breakfast-tickets-862320031427?aff=oddtdtcreator


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